1963 (ENG)

 What's to Bee-Come of  Bees; They Just Won't Bee-Have

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Paintings (sorted by the year):

1963 I 1964 I 1965 I 1966 I 1967 I 1968 I 1969 I 1970 I 1971 I 1972 I 1973 I 1974 I 1975 I 1976 I 1977 I 1978 I 1979 I 1980 I 1981 I 1982 I 1983 I 1984 I 1985 I 1986 I 1987 I 1988 I 1989 I 1990 I 1991
Paintings from 1963:

Painting no. 50 - no. 59:
Paintings no. 60 - no. 67

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